Texan Cuties! (Panama City Beach Photographer)

Facebook has been so great with reconnecting with long lost friends!  For example, Cyndie and I knew each other back when we were teenagers, but after I married and moved away from Alabama, I lost touch with her and so many other friends from my teenage years.  That is all changing and I couldn’t be happier as I love catching up with old friends.  Not saying we’re old, it’s just been a while since we last saw each other,:-).  Once that we connected on Facebook Cyndie told me that her family, who now lives in Austin, visits our area beaches every year and she would love to have a lifestyle family shoot while here.  It was great seeing her, along with her husband and cutie pie of a daughter Erin!  AND even though they are Texans now, I bet there is still some “Roll Tide” blood there somewhere…

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