Author Archives: lana williams

Giggling is Contagious!

I mentioned in my last post that I had the opportunity to photograph Kelli and Patrick for their engagement pics. Kelli has the most amazing blue eyes and even though I am a huge fan of black and white photos I have to put a couple color photos in the blog so you can see how pretty her…

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Sneak Peek from this Weekend….

This weekend was maxed out!  Two photo shoots, had some friends over to our home for food & libations, AND had to clean debris from the back yard due to all the wind and rain we’ve been having.  I’m sure you can tell which of these three things I did not really want to do!  Below you will see a…

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THE Before & After Shoot!

This past Monday was a Holiday, which normally means a day off from work, right? Well for me (and three other wonderful ladies) it meant time to work and play; but in the end what we had was a GREAT TIME!  Many of my blog followers know my FABULOUS hair stylist Renee.  We have calaborated to offer…

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Siblings Having Fun Part II….

You were given a sneak peek last week of the Corbin Siblings…now for the rest of the story. I must give you a little bit of information about these special people. They call me “Aunt Lana”, even though I’m not their biological aunt. Their father and I are 1st cousins, but more like brother and sister so I’ve been…

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