Alien Bees Have Invaded…and I LOVE THEM!

For those of you that do not have a CLUE to what I am referring to, it is the most awesome lighting I have ever used. Not only is this lighting for studio use, but can be used for on location shoots as well. There are many photographers that only use Natural Light for their light source, and I TOTALLY respect that, but I like to use additional light myself , well at least most of the time I do. I am hoping to spend a lot more time with these lights in the next few weeks. Here are a few shots of the equipment itself and one of my favorite model, my husband Chan. (love those blue eyes!)

Lana Williams Photography, LLC

Here is one of the first of the test shots taken with the RingFlash…..just playing around at the studio. Not the greatest picture in the world by any means, but lack of shadowing behind us is so very cool!

Lana Williams Photography, LLC

 This is my favorite shot of the dozen that I took of Chan today…..

Lana Williams Photography, LLC


January 16, 2010 - 11:55 pm

Angela Dowling - LOVE the bees :) They’re my fave :) Hope you have fun playing with them & we totally need to get together again soon! Hopefully I can see you this month at the Destin Guild meeting?!

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